Pyaar Mein Twist is a bi-weekely Indian television drama-series that airs on STAR Plus. The series premiered on January 29, 2011 and airs every Saturday - Sunday at 10pm. It is a comedy that tells the story of a geeky, humble and a simple boy Amol and a loving, bubbly and total filmy girl Rekha. Pyaar Mein Twist is about a lovely "made for each other" couple – who love each other a lot but end up fighting with each other because of others
You Are Watching Pyaar Mein Twist 22 May 2011
You Are Watching Pyaar Mein Twist 22 May 2011
Pyaar Mein Twis Part1
Pyaar Mein Twis Part2
Pyaar Mein Twis Part3
Pyaar Mein Twis Part4
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